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Hackers shut down EU carbon-trading website

"Hackers hijacked Europe's carbon-trading website and replaced it with spoof page detailing flaws in cap and trade scheme"

Category: Climate Change


Dark matter hunt eyes deeper home

"Scientists are looking to relocate an underground experiment searching for dark matter to an even deeper site."

Category: Space, Big Science


UN climate talks in the mire?

An article on the UN's plan B options for post Kyoto

Category: Climate Change


US Senate will not pass a full climate bill

"The US Senate will not pass a full climate bill in its current session, majority leader Harry Reid has said." "The news is a major blow to prospects of achieving a new global deal on climate change through the UN talks"

Category: Climate Change


LHC closes in on massive particle

"Physicists at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have seen several candidates for the heaviest elementary particle known to science."

Category: Big Science

Displaying results 611 to 615 out of 2977